Winter experience
Cross-country and alpine skiing, snowmobiling, waffle cabins and much more. Bruksvallarna is a wonderful winter destination in Funäsfjällen, Sweden.
Bruksvallarna is the very heart of Nordic Skiing. The Nordic Ski Center winds its way through lush valleys and high mountains – with no less than 300 kilometres of groomed trails. Find out more about the best cross-country skiing in Sweden here.
In Funäsfjällen there are five ski areas: Tänndalen/Tänndalsvallen, Ramundberget, Funäsdalsberget, Tännäskröket and Kappruet. Two of these, Ramundberget and Funäsdalsberget, are in very close proximity to Bruksvallarna.
In Funäsfjällen you’ll find 610 kilometres of snowmobile trails, of which 150 kilometres cross high mountain areas in one of Sweden’s most scenic mountain regions. Fint out more here. You can also rent snowmobiles in Bruksvallarna.
Every year, the training and competition season for the world´s elite cross-country skiers starts and ends in Bruksvallarna. The Bruksvallsloppet Race kicks off the season in November and the Fjälltopploppet Race closes it in April.